In 2024 EarthSeed Temple Arts will offer one powerful initiation from the 30th October - 19th November spanning Upper Egypt to Middle Egypt and Giza. This pilgrimage is In Service to Sekhmet.

RaMa creates a sacred container of love, truth, and courage to regenerate the divinity of life.
— Stacia Thompson

Timebending with the Temples of Eternity is a living devotional prayer

In Service to Sekhmet 

Since 2019 we have been purging and shedding old identities and paradigms. 2024 is the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon, calling forth your sovereignty and power in ways that perhaps you’ve never even imagined. 2024 is a year of mythic mineral medicine, and this is the time for you to know your story. Not just the story of your physical reality and identity, the story of your Soul, the story that speaks to your timelessness. 

In the 2024 Masterclass that I taught how the year of 2024 is a year of timebending.

Timebending is a concept that I’ve spoken about over the years through the transmissions of my podcast Stars, Stones and Stories. Since 2020 and the multiplicity of Great Conjunctions ranging from Saturn-Pluto, to three Jupiter-Pluto experiences, culminating in the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the 21st of December 2020, time has been moving in unique ways. I’ll never forget that day, as it was the Winter Solstice and I was on the Giza Plateau. It felt like a miracle of miracles to make that pilgrimage come to life, even though it was much different from the original vision. 

These journeys to Egypt are like none other. If you have followed my work for a number of years, perhaps you have heard me speak of this. Although I craft and curate each individual pilgrimage, they are ultimately a collaboration with the Otherworld.

There are many stories that may be spoken about Goddess Sekhmet. Sekhmet’s name comes from sekhem meaning power. She is the daughter of the Solar God Ra, known as the Eye of Ra, and portrayed as a lion headed woman wearing the Sun disc on her head. She is associated with the color red, the color that connects with the female creative principle and the flashing brilliance of the Star Sirius. 

Sekhmet is the Great Lady, beloved of Ptah, the Royal Protector. Holy One. In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead she was associated with the hot winds of the desert which came alive through her mighty breath.

Sekhmet anchors the remembrance of sacred rage, and inspires one with the willingness to be in divine sovereign power. To be bold and take courageous action in honor of the generations to come.

Sekhmet is the Keeper of this Timebending Mission and only those who are willing to dive into their darkness and work to integrate the shadow into the light are ready for this pilgrimage. Sekhmet is the Mother of all Dragons, and as we will conclude the pilgrimage on the 19th of November, Pluto will station into Aquarius through 2044. Our great prayer will be offered at the Stargate of Giza, which is the transmitter and receiver for all of planet Earth to Sirius and the Great Central Sun.  

Therefore, all whom attend this pilgrimage must be committed to clearing and expanding personal frequency on the daily.

You have moved through countless lifetimes, tests and perils for this mission.

Last year, Dreamseed Incubation with the Blue Lotus pilgrimage opened the gates for a restoration of the original blueprint of the individual. Now in 2024 there is the potential to restore the blueprint of the collective humanity, to rise above the dark cloud of AI and harness the timeless creatrix abilities to be in union with the Divine Cosmic Mind. 

Sekhmet is the cosmic power, or Shakti who empowers her divine consort Ptah, in his work of creation, as the craftsman who formed the world and the heavens. From the form of the primordial snake that sits at her third eye, she may fire the snake’s arousal, and the mind opens to perceive other dimensions, other universes, other realities.

Timebending with the Temples of Eternity offers a journey up the Melodic Nile, an intentional chakra activation from the root to the crown, from your earthstar to your soulstar, culminating this pilgrimage within the Pyramid Temples of the Sun. Each day we will focus on the power and potency of the Great Central Sun of Sirius and utilize these frequencies to activate the energy centers in the body to purify the path forward.

This luscious pilgrimage welcomes all Initiates on a journey that adventures off the beaten path. You will have the opportunity to drink in the rich history of Queen Nefertiti and Akhenaten and to experience sites sacred to Queen Hatshepsut and Thoth that are rarely visited.

In this rich adventure there will be a golden thread of consciousness woven through to assist you in reclaiming your divinity through your sacred KA body.

Your KA body is the energetic double of your physical body temple. You will learn about the sacred architecture of the KA in preparation for this journey.

Astrologically you will experience the shifting of the Solar Gate into Samhain, a rare Scorpio Balsamic Moon, a Scorpio New Moon, special alignments with Venus, Saturn and Pluto. On the Taurus Full Moon you will immerse yourself in a private ceremony with the Great Sphinx.

This pilgrimage will offer you the ultimate experience of the Land of Kemet and calls forth Souls who are willing and ready to integrate their Shadow to transmute ancestral paradigms and distortions for the birth of the Ancient Future Consciousness of radical acceptance and healing.

If you are Called to embrace the Mystery, join us on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

NOTE that the above is a simple outline of the themes that will be explored within this profound initiation. Only those with a true interest in joining this adventure will receive the full invitation. Write to support @ earthseedtemplearts dot com for the full invitation.

Egypt is the birthplace of magic, the place to die a thousand deaths, and RaMa was there to hold us through them all. She was born to do this work, and her presence on pilgrimage is impeccable.
— Kara Marenetette

After guiding pilgrimages to sacred sites professionally since 2017, I have learned the importance of being incredibly direct. These pilgrimages are not a vacation, nor are they for the faint of heart.

These offerings are intimate, deep and adventurous.

You will be held in a container woven with integrity, prayer, devotion and guided by two scholars and mystics of Egyptian Cosmology and Magic that have vast experience in holding sacred space.

Each moment is living breathing ceremony.

You will experience everlasting transformation.

RaMa creates such an authentic, protected sphere that you can fully sink into the land of magic and duality, and access the transformation that Egypt offers each of us. It has been a true gift to journey through these sacred spaces with guides who are so clearly connected to the Divine mysteries and history of Kemet.

I am still unpacking the emotional and spiritual learning that I received while on pilgrimage and expect I will be doing so for many years to come. So far, I’ve reclaimed some of the lost pieces of power that had kept me from being able to stand more securely in my own sovereignty.
— Aimee Whaley
It feels impossible to put words to this experience, and in many ways, I feel like I am still on pilgrimage since returning home. The synchronicities are constant, my dream life is vivid, and I can feel the magic of Egypt flowing through me on the daily. I am forever transformed and beyond grateful for the opportunity to travel to this sacred land.

The care and attention that was put into every detail was evident, and this definitely made for a seamless and transformative pilgrimage experience. I can’t thank RaMa enough for everything!
— Shelby Messenger
Saying yes to Egypt opened the doors to the most transformative journey of my life.

I was needing to let go of what no longer serves me, in order to welcome in all the infinite possibilities available to me; and this pilgrimage did just that.

As soon as I said yes, masks were stripped away, and I went through so many death portals that have allowed
me to begin to step into the person I am meant to be in this life.

I know that I have received so much more than I ever thought possible. Grateful for RaMa and the life changing work that she does.
— Rosemary Campos
RaMa is an incredibly committed and intentional light being.

I experienced tremendous ancestral lineage healing, a deep connection to our great mother and the Divine Feminine within. The healing I experienced in my womb space has allowed me to come home and birth the things I am destined to bring forth to assist in the healing of our planet.

My gratitude comes from the deepest recesses of my heart. Thank you RaMa for your work and committed intentions in crafting a journey of a lifetime.
— Yonah Ray


2023 Dreamseed Incubation with the Blue Lotus, Egypt

2023 Tending the Dragonlines in Avalon and Wales UK

2022 Songs of Sothis :: Hymns to Horus, Egypt

2021 Living Legacy: Rematrixing the Codes of Life, Egypt

2020 Architecting your Queendom, Egypt

2019 The North Star Council, Egypt

2019 Women at the Well, Avalon and Cornwall UK

2018 The Grail and the Goddess, Southern France

2017 Falling in Love with Gaia, Glastonbury UK



JOIN US on Pilgrimage to EGYPT in 2024.


feel luminous

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