Destiny Portal 11⚡11 Prosperity Portal

The 11/11 Scorpio New Moon arrives today at 12:47 pm EST.  Today is a unique day filled with magic, magnificence and a true opportunity for you to transform to your highest destiny.  All you have to do is show up and commit and command that you are IN.  Clearly set your intentions for that wish to manifest, focusing on elements of power, self-mastery, soul mates and financial partnerships.  "I am easily finding myself. . ."

With this potent portal we must continue to practice and practice.  This is a time of year to deepen your meditation practice.  If you need help with a daily sadhana, email me for support.

And if you don't have one, this is a great time to begin.  With the sun in Scorpio we will continue to excavate the Underworld day and night right now.  As we uplevel and our bodies become more light and less dense, we all need a practice to stay grounded and rooted in the Earth.  It is through this connection to our planet that we may manifest in service to the greater good of our planet.  

We had some special gatherings this week and a divine space of deep healing and connection is open.  With the group consciousness rapidly shifting in Asheville we will begin to see great changes in our collective community here.  

On Monday night we worked intensely with hematite.  This is a beautiful stone to work with at this time, as the core of our Earth is a hematite crystal.  Hematite loves to help one manifest.  Hematite is the ultimate nourisher and will feed and fill in any and all abandonment issues you may have.  It's time we become spiritually mature!