Awakening Transformation

The New Moon in Scorpio is here.  We welcome Lunar Samhain, the day when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.  Our ancestors dance with us and work with us during these times.  Consider honoring them in any way you feel called.  Offer prayers and consciously work to clear and uplift your lineage.  

Hematite is a beautiful stone to work with at this time to connect to all of the generations and to connect to the core of the Earth.  Hematite heals every sort of disorder or addiction or rejection.  She transforms these experiences into deep nourishment for our blood, our essence.  She assists us in clearing ghosts from our lineage.  And she assists us with attracting that which we need.  

Pluto, the ruler of the Underworld is front and center during this New Moon.  Each one of us is on our Heroine's journey.  And as a collective consciousness we are on this journey together.  This is a time where we must commune with the shadow and welcome all parts of ourself.  Through these deep observations we need to let go of what is truly dead and done in our lives so that we have space to welcome the new.  

Pluto aspects the Venus and Saturn conjunction which illuminates deeply that NOW is the time to step fully into self mastery.  Pluto requests that each one of us owns our shadow and integrates our work with the shadow into all of who we are.  When we shun our shadow it only feels ignored.  Love your shadow.  Love all of who you are!

Venus and Saturn are conjunct which heralds a new cycle welcoming our self mastery, our spiritual responsibility and our growth in relationships, finances and self worth.  Particularly in how they align with our truth, our values.  

Like all New Moons, today we are being initiated into a 30 day cycle.  However, we are truly beginning a 2 1/2 year cycle today with Venus and Saturn.  You are laying the foundation for projects that will come to the surface in July 30th 2017, April 29th, 2018 and January 29th, 2019.  For maximum understanding check which house Scorpio resides in your chart.  

We are being asked to expand and look beyond our lives into the lives of all of humanity.  We are in this together.  As we look towards Standing Rock it is imperative that we understand that no matter how much wealth you own, you can't escape the reality that we are all affected by the degradation of our Earth.  When we hurt one human being, this has a ripple effect to all.  And when we heal one, we heal all.  

So during this time of self mastery can you truly do your work and integrate it?  When you are filled up then you have plenty to give.  Now is the time to become spiritually mature and be who you came here to be.  You are riding on the coattails of your lineage you and you have infinite support! 

For your Scorpio New Moon intentions consider the following:



Crisis skills

Self mastery

Sex mates/Soul mates

Financial partnerships

Avoiding power struggles

The physical body--Rectum, colon, bladder, female and male sexual organs

 I am easily finding myself. . .

Remember--Death mirrors life.  As we let go we create space for new realities.  We are so powerful!  Tune into those who truly lift you up and inspire you.  Drop your addictions to pain and self sabotage.  We are here to create a new paradigm!  We are the medicine!