Time and Space

Greetings from New England. I feel as if I've stepped back in time. A decade ago I took a 200 hour Hatha training at Kripalu in a month long intensive.  The night before my graduation I had the gift to experience a workshop with Krishna Kaur and immediately after tuning in came to the realization that Kundalini Yoga was the lineage for me.  

Now I've returned to Kripalu to assist my teacher Guru Jagat with retreat for Yogic Prosperity Technologies.  It's amazing how profound and deep you can go with these teachings.  I've learned and experienced so much this week and am looking forward to sharing this growth with you.

As I drove up north from Asheville I watched Spring reverse.  Here the trees barely have buds and the crocuses and daffodils are still underground, waiting to burst forth.

One of the coolest things about Kundalini Yoga is that you can literally de-age with this practice.  We have had a number of good laughs this week about how Guru Jagat is now being referred to Benjamin Button with her ability to look younger and happier.  

Cold showers, meditation and simple kriyas like cat/cow can literally increase collagen and diminish wrinkles while expanding and brightening the arcline, aura and radiant bodies.

Yogi Bhajan says "Life is a flow of love, only your participation is requested."  Living in this rhythm is true health, true wealth, true prosperity.  And to live in rhythm is to move through time and space with grace and ease.

We are the medicine.