How to be a pioneer in the Aquarian Age

We live in a world where time and space feel as if they are compressing upon each other.  Everyone is feeling this unique pressure, and with the advances of technology there are more distractions and more outlets that are vying for our attention and our time.  

Within the technology of Kundalini Yoga we often talk about the Aquarian Age and how this is an Age of Truth and an Age of Experience.  So much of this Age is about connecting to Self and realizing that everything we need is truly within.  We each have a divine teacher within--and we literally and physiology connect with this divine teacher through meditation and our connection with our glandular system.  The practice of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation awakens and aligns our glands--the guardians of our health.  

This path of the pioneers of the Aquarian Age is truly about service with love, about uplifting others and in turn, uplifting the entire planet.  Yogi Bhajan spoke how the role of the teacher is to elevate another person.  

When you work one on one with a mentor you are having a somatic experience of how a person elevates another.  And through this learning you begin to apply this into your daily life, especially those areas that the subconscious blocks consistently create barriers.  Through this application your very being, your very presence touches others and your light allows others to turn up the radiance of their own.

This week we celebrate the birth of the Master Yogi Bhajan.  Please join me for a special sadhana and class this Friday, August 26th.  

We are the Medicine.  It is your birthright to tap into your own divine wisdom.