coming out of the (witch) closet 🔮🌒✨

The depths of Scorpio are calling us to meet our most mystical selves.  The barge has summoned us to begin the journey through the eye of the needle.

We turn to face the West and to honor that which is ready to die, that which is ready to be released.  We welcome the season of Samhain.  We welcome the thinning of the veils.  We welcome the Ancestors.  

I am in great awe of the transformation and alchemy that is occurring on planet Earth right now.  Eighteen of us committed to go deep, to be authentic, to be vulnerable and to craft a space for communal healing last weekend, at our Divining the Dark Goddess retreat.  Yes, in many ways it was just scratching the surface.  However in my heart, I know this sacred container of healing rippled out waves of what is possible for the collective of women, and therefore for the collective of humanity.

In honor of this great healing and this powerful time we are in, I wish to express my truth in ways I have been shy or hidden.

I am a Hedge Witch.  I am a Priestess.  Every cell of my being is here in service to our Earth, this beautiful living Goddess we have the honor of living upon.  I have consciously walked this path since my early 20s.  When I found myself living in Boston and LA I began to quiet these more magical essences in order to feel safe in the concrete jungle.  

Last summer I had a full awakening to how I had shut down some of my most important truths and was essentially playing small.  And now, I am coming fully out of the closet with the intention that in doing so, you feel permission to be your most authentic and real self.  And it is witch season after all! 

So stay tuned for a special offering that I am really excited to reveal to you next Friday.  In the meantime gather your crystal allies, scry with your favorite tools, dust off your divination cards, make friends with your power animals, give gratitude to your spirit guides and remember to leave an offering or two for your departed loved ones.  

Witchy blessings,
Ra Ma