Saturn times: Self Mastery and Celebration 💎

We have arrived at the closure of another year.  The lunar cycle that we are exploring is creating a beautiful chalice to reflect upon what we have learned over the past few years.  Since Saturn was in his final degree when this Sagittarius new lunation arrived, we are being given the space to mediate upon what we have learned. 

The ultimate teaching in this is to practice what you preach, to live your life authentically, to master your Fire.  And as Saturn transitioned from Fire to Earth, now is the time to DO your Saturn more than ever.  I'm offering the Saturn Sessions as a way to activate your diamond mind.  In these 30 minute sessions we will go deep into how to strategically work with the Saturn energy for the next few years and how this energy applies specifically to you.  You will walk away with clear tools to apply to do you daily rhythms.  


2018 is the year of Self Mastery.  2018 offers a numerological opportunity to live with the Diamond Mind.  This is all about walking your talk, harmonizing relationships and mastering your own field.  Imagine what the Earth would look like if we all decided to embody mastership.

This year I unveiled a number of offerings near and dear to my heart.  The Adi Shakti Coven is something I've been brewing over the past 18 years.  This mystery gathering space is a safe container for a any wise woman, witch, priestess, goddess lover, hag, maiden or mother that longs for depth and connection. We are intentionally connecting to Nature's rhythms as our foundation for all that we will explore together.

This first spiral of the Adi Shakti Coven will have a deep focus around lunar cycles, seasonal understanding and layers of consciously working with protection medicine. I am really excited to be bringing in some experts on street medical training and self defense ninja moves so that we walk through life empowered to handle any situation.

And now is the time to join with a NEW YEAR special in effect! We welcome Capricorn in Saturn with a willingness to build beauty and transformation in the world. Join now for a paid in full investment of $697 or monthly dues of $150. If you are feeling the Call read more here or send me an email for q&a.