Sagittarius New Moon of Truth

This morning at 2:20 am we welcomed the final New Moon of the year of 2018.  The Moon and Sun finally met up together in Jupiter's home of Sagittarius offering us the great gift of expansion and growth.  Jupiter wishes to widen where Sagittarius lives in your chart, and the growth is all about the soul ascending beyond the material world.  Sagittarius brings wild adventurous horse energy, the expansive gypsy one who traverses through higher wisdom and knowledge.  

That being said, this is an important time to anchor to the Great Mother, to your Ancestors, to the Medicine that lives in your bones, as we are in the Dark Sun of the Wheel of the Year.  We are still in the Samhain portal and are making our way towards Yule, a great rebirth.  

This New Moon also welcomes a grand water trine as the North Node is in Cancer, Mercury is in Scorpio and Chiron is in Pisces.  There are many, oh so many feelings to be felt.  This is a beautiful time to find the music to match your mood.  Allow the waves of emotions to move through your body through dance, tears, or whatever it takes to experience and healthfully clear the feelings.  So many of us hold the emotions in and then later in life we are so full and repressed that illness sets in.  Our human emotions are absolutely beautiful and a gift.  

For those of you interested in crafting New Moon intentions, considering themes around a quest for Truth, spirituality and meditation, nature, faith, higher education and foreign travel.  Perhaps part of what you are seeding with this New Moon is about that which you are truly ready to let go of.  Sometimes a great sacrifice is needed to receive immense gifts from the Otherworld.  Many of us are shedding our snake skins.  The karmic completion degree of Uranus in Aries at 29° is still being activated at this New Moon, carving out a space for us to examine where in our lives endings need to be allowed, where the unresolved issues need to be faced, and met.  

Today in class I felt called to share how some sort of daily practice is absolutely essential in these times.  (If you need help navigating a daily practice, send me an email).  The astrology of 2019 is deeply purifying with the Saturn and Pluto conjunctions.  We need an anchor in this wild times.  The North Node in Cancer is asking each one of us to create sanctuary wherever we may roam, to call in our soul tribe, and to commit to creating a strong and true sense of inner security. 

May you navigate these times with ease and grace.  Sagittarian New Moon blessings.

In the beauty way,

Ra Ma