Shining Light on the Shadow ::: Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Welcome to the longest Eclipse of the century.  This day of Venus we welcome the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse with the Aquarius moon and the Leo sun at 4°44’.  444 is a master number of deep intuitive wisdom, that many believe has a connection to the realm of the angels.  This number asks us to drop all fears and live Divine purpose NOW.  Given the power of this Full Moon and what so many people are speaking about this Eclipse, this is an excellent opportunity to give into the practice of dropping all fears.  And even more potent to drop the BS and live your full Truth in this timeline.

The Full Moon is exact today, Friday, at 4:20 pm EST.  Mercury just went retrograde in Leo, so much is being revealed in communication and thoughts, especially in how we communicate about ourselves.  The Leo Aquarius axis is a powerful axis we have been working with as a collective with the North and South Nodes since May of 2017.  Over the course of the past year, collectively we have been activated to step into our higher heart leadership in service to humanity.

Any full moon will illuminate that which one needs to see, while Eclipses offer sudden and strange news and scenarios that can often wake and shake us.  In addition Uranus in Taurus creates a tight square to this lunation which can amplify the sudden and most unexpected. As a collective we can expect this Full Moon Eclipse to bring in big news and to lift the wool from the eyes of the people.  This lunar eclipse is rare in the sense that the eclipse will last for a total of almost four hours and it coincides with a Full Blood Moon.  The moon will be void of any light during this time.  I fully believe this is an opportunity for each one of us to allow the lunar beams (seen or unseen) to shine a bright light on our shadows.  The shadow is an essential part of our being, a place where the rich soil is born, a place of creation.  Shadow work also asks us to question what we are hiding. . .where are our secrets, our feelings that we wish to hide, our thoughts we do not express, our Truth that we keep buried.  These buried realities, particularly the emotions will be at their peak during this Eclipse, demanding our attention.

With the South Node tightly conjunct the Moon in Aquarius and Mars retrograde in Aquarius there is much that is coming up for review and reprograming.  Many of us are clearing old patterns that could go back to childhood, past incarnations or deeper ancestral wounds. We have been through great waves of growth and now it is time to peel away many layers at once to create even more space for new life.  And with this comes a necessary letting go.

This lunation is important time to watch your health, to nourish your body, and to call forth all of your protection medicine.  There will be more souls departing the planet around and during this lunation, so take good care of those who are vulnerable in your life.  Nourish yourself with good food, adaptogen herbs and plenty of water to flush out all of the emotions that are coming to the surface.  A ritual bath during the Eclipse would be very healing.

So many of us are shedding immense grief and are transforming our identities.  Life, death, life, again and again.  May you find the sovereign sanctuary within.  May you live your Sat Nam.  We are oceanic.  We are vast.  We are timeless.  We are the medicine.