☬ Adi Shakti, Namo, Namo ☬

Perhaps you are feeling our approach to Mabon, the Fall Equinox?  This is one of the two times of the year where we have equal day and night.  As we begin a deep dive into the Earth Mysteries we may consider the Earth Mother and her myriad of manifestations.  This is a beautiful time to be out in Nature, barefoot hiking, or lying directly on the ground and breathing deep.  Late summer swims are a delicious and beautiful way to purify.  And of course, meditating with your favorite tree is always a powerful way to anchor the static of our technological pace.

We will welcome Mabon next Saturday and I will share in next week's Venusian Love Notes how you may mark this season.  For now, so many of us in the Southeast are watching the weather and praying that Florence shifts into soft, gentle rains.  We are clearly in a time where the drastic shifts in weather are asking us to live more simply and to practice non-attachment, fully embodying what it means to not know.

With the current astrological weather of Mars in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus, the collective is literally being forced to face our connection (and lack of appreciation) to Mother Earth.  Venus in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus.  As she is in her shadow of retrograde our values and our relationship to Earth's sister, and therefore the Earth herself, will continue to be tested.

For these times of uncertainty, I love to craft community gatherings where we may witness and support one another during our true transformation.  The Adi Shakti Coven was birthed in 2018 as a wisdomkeeper's collective to assist each one of us to fall deeper in love with the Earth.  As we embark upon this journey we obtain self knowledge, ancestral wisdom and elemental insights.  The Adi Shakti Coven Second Spiral begins this October, welcoming all who identify as womxn, where we meet each New Moon virtually and come together in person about every 6 weeks to honor the Solar Gates and the Cross Quarter Holidays which include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane and Midsummer.  You may learn more about the Adi Shakti Coven here.  Please click the reply button if you have any questions about this community.

May you and yours be wrapped in the balm of love.

In the beauty way,
Ra Ma