The year of the Empress

This is the year of the Empress. In tarot the Empress is the Great Mother. Vicki Nobel reminds us that the Empress offers great abundance, birth, growth, community and relationship. She is the mother, the lover and the teacher. She blends spirit and matter, the Goddess within the body and this is exactly what each one of us is doing in 2019 as we ground and anchor with the Saturn's teachings of self mastery.

In the collective psyche we have an opportunity to make great strides in clearing our grief, our most ancient ancestral grief. Those age old subconscious blocks that have held back our lineage from success are ready to be shed.

This year is guided by the energetics of the positive mind as tantric numerology breaks down 2019 into a 3. Three is the positive mind, which reminds us of our will power and confidence. The solution is to activate the positive mind so that each of us is able to see the myriad of solutions available. We are in the energetic of building, action and manifestation as we write our new stories from the great transformation of 2018.

We are activating our individual blueprints as Saturn is guiding us to manifest from the 3d world  to the great heights of the 5d. With the Empress, the Great Mother as creative muse, we are guided to shift the caliber within. We need not go chasing after our dreams, but instead must go within with sadhana, with spiritual practice to heal the core wounds. Through stillness, meditation, prayer and ritual all is possible.

As we sit in the midst of the Eclipse portal, this week ahead offers us an opportunity to recommit to our transformation. This is a time to look for hidden meanings and to dive into the mysteries, to dive into the shadow.  Knowledge is power and if we create the space, we have the ability to get to the root of the matter. With determination and patience there is an ability to use resources to realize our dreams.

As you find the harmony and good in situations, you live your creative genius, like a pearl in the oyster. The positive mind is reminding each one of us to be like sunshine, like the solar ray of the 3rd chakra. As we seek the brighter side of life, we may harness the power of the dream. What is your dream? 

In support of your journey through 2019 I invite you to join me on patreon and considering signing up for my monthly Cosmic Collective, Dreamcircles Ancestral Healing and Starwalker Astrology Salon.  You may learn all about these offerings here.  As you become a patron of my art, we have an opportunity to mutually support one another on this great cosmic journey called life!  And if you sign up today, you won't be billed until February 1st, so you will essentially receive all content for the month of January complimentary.  Which means if you find it is not a good fit, you may unsubscribe before you are billed.

I have crafted these offerings as a Call to what I hear many of you asking for. More support. A deeper understanding of astrology, ancestral healing and how to commit to a daily practice.  A community, a tribe.  And accountability to your self mastery.  If you are feeling exceptionally committed you can join in all three offerings as an Interstellar Supporter