Harvesting the Warrior within

Venus Day blessings beautiful,

Do you feel the moon waxing? I sure do. This week has been i n t e n s e and it seems we have all been feeling all of the feelings. Sunday's Aries Full Moon (exact at 5:08 pm EDT) is a ripe time to witness that which needs to fall away, and that which needs to be radically re-imagined. Notice what is arising within your psyche. Most likely, somewhere, a chain of outdated paradigms passed through the generations of your ancestral lineage is coming to the surface to be cleared.

Relationships (Libra Sun) are in focus while the divine Spark of creation, the 'I AM' consciousness is being illuminated (Aries Full Moon). We are being tested by the exact square of Pluto in Capricorn to the Sun and Moon. . .meaning we are being tested by traditions, by institutions, by governments, by corporations, by the patriarchy. Where do we give away our sovereignty, over and over again?

The Moon is conjunct the asteroid goddess of disruption Eris, who is reminding the feminine that fierce truth and awakening is the remedy. Meanwhile the Moon also trines (beneficial gifts flowing if one is open to receive) Jupiter in Sagittarius conjunct the asteroid goddess Ceres. The great Earth mother is beckoning alongside the teacher of spiritual wisdom that TRUTH is the way through.

Through the ages humanity has been dulled down to forms of slavery and oppression. We are now living in times that spiritual courage is essential. We must be the warriors of our destiny. We must actively work on behalf of that which we believe. Nothing will get easier any time soon.

Instead we must get stronger. We must find ways to embody that which helps us to thrive. And we find a way to commune with the Divine, to fall into prayer, to fall into Love.

Falling into prayer is the same thing as falling in Love. It is an infinite fall. You can never come out of it. And in all of human existence these two experiences are the highest.

—Yogi Bhajan

My top tools for you to thrive in these times:
1.  A daily practice.  Yes, daily.  It is non negotiable.  I will continue to remind you.  Meditate, breathe, walk, stretch, dance.  It doesn't matter what you do, just commit.

2.  Commune with your ancestors.  Connect with those whose shoulders you stand upon.  Remember that which has been forgotten.  Give offerings.  Say hello to the Otherworld.

3.  Ground into the Mother.  Be with the Earth.

4.  Sleep.  Sleep is essential in these times as we are receiving immense energetic upgrades.  Sleep allows your systems to integrate.

5.  Eat well, drink well.  

6.  Unplug from electronics for at least an hour a day.  It is crazy to think that sounds revolutionary, however we are on a fast track to major device addiction.   We must set a solid example for our youth.

7.  Take time to enjoy.  Life is meant to be celebrated, even in the hardest of times.  Finding joy is finding Creator.

I have a wide variety of events to support you during this Aries lunation. Please consider circling up with me tonight at West Asheville Yoga studio from 7:30-9:30.  We are going deep with a potent meditation to bridge our psyches with the creative thinking that is essential to the Aquarian Age.  Tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 I'll be in Hendersonville at YAM for meditation and long gong.  I'll be offering a special Full Moon class in my weekly Women's Kundalini class at WAY from 4-5:30 during the precise alignment of the Full Moon.

This week I am also unveiling details about the Adi Shakti Coven Spiral Three.  We will begin the third spiral at the end of this month, and I have two tracks, a virtual option for those afar or time limited and an in person, in-depth option for those who live in the Asheville region. The in depth option is space limited and requires an application.  You may find out more below.

Finally, there has been resounding interest in 2020 pilgrimages.  The details are still in the works, however please save the date, and consider spreading the good word for these two journeys to Egypt-- 

Architecting your Queendom:  Activating Royal Courage, 7-21st February, 2020 for womxn, who are ready to fully step into their majesty as sovereign, resilient beings.  This pilgrimage is limited to 8 Queens of Destiny. 

Resurrecting Ancestral Lineage:  The Divine Child Awakens, is a pilgrimage open to women, men, trans folk, and mature adolescence.  We will pilgrim 9th-23rd of December 2020. 

If you are feeling the call to either of these pilgrimages, please email me direct so I may send you the details and application.  May you allow the flames of this lunation to purify the chains of ancestral oppression.  May you crown yourself in the glory of your regalness with this Aries Full Moon.    

Infinite blessings,

Ra Ma