A Seat at the Table of Plenty

Together, we sit at the table of plenty. From what I've noticed with the rise of entrepreneurs and spiritual businesses is that many people are fearing that there is not enough to go around. In turn, many people are acting from a place of fear, that actually assists the forces of adversity. This is an illusion of the patriarchal programming that we are all dissolving.

How can we shift from me to we? How can we support one another more?

There is a seat for each one of us at the table of plenty. 2020 is asking us each to leap into life like never before. We must claim our authentic gifts, and be brave to express them. As the world economy shifts, we will see more and more people starting their own businesses and a continued rise in the spiritual arts. This is a blessing. This is a rise towards remembrance of matriarchal times. This is essential to birthing the New Earth.

We must trust that our tribes, our community are attracted to each one of us for our unique gifts. People will fade in and out, and some will circle back around again. As we consciously spread the love by supporting our friends through social media, through showing up to the events they host, through giving them positive encouragement, through referring others to them whom we know would benefit, we serve the greater whole.

We can all promote the teachers and healers we believe in, those whom have truly inspired us. We can also forgive the people who have disappointed us, knowing that we are all in this together, and we are all figuring this out together. Not one of us is perfect, and not one of us has mastered planet Earth school yet, otherwise we wouldn't still be here.

In these times, I continually circle back to Yogi Bhajan's Five sutras for the Aquarian Age as they are spot on for these immense:

1. Recognize that the other person is you.
2. There is a way through every block.
3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.
4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
5. Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path.

What I have discovered in my three pilgrimages to Egypt in the past fourteen months is that there is something very particular awakening beneath the soil of this land that goes deep into the core of Mother Earth. There is an awakening that is both ancient and future, that I believe is a primordial power.

Architecting your Queendom is a pilgrimage limited to eight womxn from February 7-21st in Kemet. This pilgrimage is intimate, a true activation portal for you to embody your royal courage in this lifetime, in this NOW. We will culminate in a private ceremony in the Great Pyramid with a strategic intention to energetically build our intentions with precision. From our very first virtual circle we will witness one another and each sister's intention for this journey, this living breathing ceremony, and I will be available to assist in the midwifing of this process.

I am available to connect for twenty minutes through video chat to answer any and all questions. This will be the fifth global pilgrimage that I have stewarded, and I am humbly in service to the unfolding of each Sister on the path. For details and a tentative itinerary email me direct [email protected].