To be a revolutionary of culture

Welcome to another Venusian love Note.  As many of you know, I love Fridays as this is the day of the week dedicated to Venus, who is seen by many astrologers as a sister to Earth.  Venus rules my chart and sits next to my Sun, so my affair with the Goddess of love truly exists on a cellular level.  In my devotion to Her, I send love notes to you.

Some of you respond to say how my words deeply touched your soul, like I was speaking directly to your heart.  I love hearing from you.  These are the greatest appreciations, and the affirmations that fuel my own keep up spirit to continue to offer these words of tenderness.  Each Friday, now for 5 years, I sit down to compose the truth I know and what I intuit, with the intention it stirs within your own heartsong as a soothing balm for these times.

Like you, I have been going through massive transformation since last Fall.  Towards the end of 2018 I came to the realization that it was time to shed the skin of my beloved union of marriage.  This awareness was not easy to swallow or act upon, and forced me to conjure my feminine power like never before.  The reality is that there wasn't anything 'wrong' with my marriage.  The relationship had come to completion as a marriage.  In this process I have found that what is possible and most important in these times is to redefine family and relationships.

Justin and I are finding our way in this Aquarian Age to continue to nourish our friendship and to show up for our daughter as committed parents.  We have honored the closure of marriage through conversations, tears and ceremony.  Society taught us that once a married couple splits, then the two sides of the families go their separate ways, leaving the children to cope with the burden of navigating being in the middle.  Instead, we are committed to honoring our family, as a family.  

We have been in each other's lives for 18 years, and that cannot split apart overnight.  And why should it?  We are a part of the Pluto in Libra generation, and we are here to teach that relationships can look many, many different ways.  We are committed to show up for our daughter by respecting one another, witnessing one another as we change and evolve, communicating with honesty and kindness, and celebrating one another's accomplishments as we succeed.  The reality is, we know each other better than anyone else, and will forever be friends.

This week astrologically Pluto and the mean South Node met up at 23° Capricorn, and next week on April 4th the true South Node and Pluto will converge.  This is shaking awake the collective in a powerful process of rebirth and karmic ancestral clearing.  We are being asked to face our Truth, which means owning the light and most importantly the shadow of Self.  The themes of 2019 urge each one of us forward on the path of self mastery, to take personal responsibility, to own our power and to define our boundaries. 

The personal is political.  As we redefine family and relationships, we become the revolutionaries of culture.  We become the molders of the Age of Aquarius.  This task is brilliant and larger than life.  And I believe your soul signed up for it with an emphatic yes!  Your ancestors dance in support, on your behalf within the Otherworld.

Mercury went direct just yesterday.  However it is essential to note that until April 16th, the messenger that affects our ability to communicate, learn and reason is in his final shadow phase, which is a culmination of the retrograde cycle.  So yes, the pace is picking up, Spring is in the air (or Fall if you reside in the Southern hemisphere) and we are still deciphering all that the psychopomp offered us to learn as he traveled through the watery, mystical realms of Pisces. 

As Venus is now in her exalted sign of Pisces, this is a beautiful time to divine, to create, to express love, to give thanks, to cultivate a life of devotion.  Essentially this is a beautiful time to be a revolutionary of culture.