Lion's Roar

Leo season arrives with the radiance of the Sun. Leo season invokes I will. This is a time of great passion, creativity, and inspiration--an opportunity to illuminate bright. This is the time to embody the royalty that you naturally are. This is the season of the Queen, the season of the King, as a true royal is a being of Divine Sovereignty and Truth. 

As one with a Leo North Node, I love this time of year, for it reminds me of my high destiny. I believe the Leo Sun shines its light to remind each one to be fully centered from deep within, to be fully aligned with  the heart. To be of the heart means to be of courage. The four chambers of your heart are the portal of your body that literally has the ability to traverse time and space. Only you have domain over your heart, this is your space of sovereignty.  Your heart is a time travel device.


As the Leo Sun grows, it will offer great gifts to the beings in Aries, namely Chiron, Mars, Black Moon Lilith, and Eris--offering great gifts of spiritual awakening and passion. The last two podcasts I put out, episode 5 and episode 6 of Stars, Stones and Stories offer insights into some of the astrological transits we are facing this latter half of 2020. 

I urge you to take a listen to these episodes. I am hearing some amazing reflections from those who have listened. My intention with these podcasts is to offer you an integrative experience, not just throw more information at your senses. Each offering ends with a guided journey to apply the cosmology that has been explored. 

May you have beautiful, radiant health in these times. May you find ways to get outdoors at least once each day, to drink plenty of water, to move your body, and to socialize (especially if you are an extrovert) with your beloveds. May you practice radical self-acceptance, dissolve resentments, give others the benefit of the doubt, and shower kindness and praise upon others. 

The first half of 2020 has prepped us for the great initiation that is to come. It is a mighty spiritual journey, and have no fear, for you are right on time!