The Infinity Codes of Royalty

This week we have traversed some intense astrology to say the least, as Mars in Aries is squaring retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This is the type of astrology that surges conflict, however on the flip side, we may utilize the energy to be the pioneer of vast, new territories in our lives. Mars continues to move forward, coming into square with Saturn retrograde in Capricorn, the force that teaches through limitations. This series of squares is the first of three that we will be experiencing in 2020. To learn more about Mars and his journey, take a listen to episode 5 of my podcast. . .or sign up for a virtual session with me as we interpret where you are being initiated with this astrology.

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Episode 8 The Infinity Codes of Royalty: Harnessing the Leo New Moon and this Astrology NOW just dropped. I'd love to hear what you think.

Uranus turns retrograde on Saturday, offering a return, a time to reflect on some of the radical changes we have been through in 2020. The Leo New Moon birthing this Tuesday is a time of great clearing and great visioning. It is going to drive us deep into our psyches, and we must take heed we are still in the Lion's Gate Portal, and our visioning and dreams are everything. I'm offering a global live-streaming council for all on Tuesday, and you may RSVP here if you would like to attend.

So much is coming to light. Social media has become full on Aquarian with truths coming out left and right on how spiritual leaders have abused power and control. . . particularly in the Kundalini community. A full report of allegations against Yogi Bhajan was released last night, and the reading is beyond intense. I am doing my own processing with this, and plan to host complimentary virtual sessions for those whom need to process in the coming weeks, so please reach out if you wish to be included. I do wish to offer my greatest gratitude to those who have been brave to come forward. I believe the survivors, and my heart goes out to each and every one. I believe it only causes more harm and trauma to attempt to discredit those who have spoken out. To toe the line of neutrality in this is to condone the very paradigm of the Piscean Age that the we are all dissolving.

In episode 8 I speak of sacred rage and Sekhmet. These times call for sacred rage. I believe we all need to face our own rage, grief, loss, and trauma in these times. There are many paths in this great healing, and they come into our lives like the layers of an onion. I pray that my podcast and other offerings are somehow a balm for you as together we surf these choppy waters.