The Otherworldly Gate of Samhain ☥

The Otherworldly Gate of Samhain, episode 39 of my podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories is fresh and ready for your listening pleasure. Please let me know how it lands for you!

Welcoming Waning Moon Frequencies

After the potent Hunter's Moon that danced through the sign of Aries conjunct untamable Eris, I believe many of us are relieved to welcome the waning Moon's frequencies. The Moon illuminated our passions, our emotions, and the spaces in our lives where we need to be unapologetically clear. Now, as the Moon begins to edge towards darkness, we begin the death of an old cycle. It is time to cut the ties to that which no longer serves. On Wednesday, October 28th the last quarter Moon places a spotlight on the paradigms and patterns that were revealed in Mercury's retrograde dance. This is a powerful time of reckoning!

A Time of Transformation, Intensity, and Great Mystery

The Sun shifts into Scorpio on Saturday October 23rd at 12:51 am EDT. Scorpio season is a beautiful time of transformation. As Scorpio dances with a number of archetypes, we get to choose what level of transformation we will experience, ranging from the most primal and sexual scorpion, to an opportunity to embody a new level of self mastery through the phoenix's deep transcendence. Scorpio season is always a time where each one of us is journeying through the proverbial eye of the needle. It is a time of intensity and great mystery.

Samhain Blessings
Ultimately, we are learning how to navigate through the realms of the dark, for it is the dark that allows us to see the light. With Scorpio Season we welcome the seasonal gateway of magickal Samhain. Calendar Samhain is exact each year on the 31st of October through 1st of November. In 2021 Solar Samhain is aligned on November 7th and Lunar Samhain ignites on November 19th as the Taurus Micro Lunar Eclipse activates our Earthly realm. Samahin is the Autumn Cross Quarter Festival, welcoming Hallow's Eve and the Festival of Remembrance.

This is both the traditional Ending and the Beginning of the Celtic Wheel of the Year, a time when the Grail Mother becomes Crone. We are magnetized towards the archetypes of the Wise Woman and the Dark Goddess. The dark goddess and the dark itself were systematically demonized in the Middle Ages of Old Europe. Darkness is the place of true fertility, the space of the Ancestors, and our portal to the Otherworld.

Many of us have embedded fear of the witch hunt within our bones. This season is an opportune time to heal the witch wound. The Dark Goddess is Sata, Morgana, Baba Yaga, Sekhmet, Lilith, Medusa, Kali and so many others. I invite you to join me in a virtual Dark Goddess Masterclass on November 1st where we will explore some of these archetypes through mythology and cosmology. You will also receive a guided meditation to work with the Dark Goddess, a ritual to anchor in your own Divine Timing, and an understanding of how to work with the Dark Goddess in your astrological blueprint. This journey welcomes all and will be recorded for those who are unable to attend live.

May you find lasting healing in these magickal times.