2021 Horoscopes

The Great Turning has come. We fully entered the Age of Aquarius vis-à-vis the Solstice Great Conjunction of 12/21/20. 2021 marks radical territory as both Jupiter and Saturn square Uranus in Taurus; the teaching archetypes of expansion and contraction create challenges and opportunities for growth, where solutions are born through our connection to Mother Earth. As Uranian energy is all about surprise, there is not a precise way to predict how this will roll out collectively and personally, however it is assured that we will seek freedom. This quest will likely disrupt political and financial paradigms that are as outdated as dinosaurs to the new wave consciousness that is emerging within the blink of an eye. For over a century humanity has been addicted to earth distortion ranging from fossil fuels and plastics to pure land abuse.

With all three Mercury retrogrades in air signs in 2021, genius solutions will inspire global standards to normalize solar, wind, and water power. As technology becomes more and more the backbone of our international network, right use will be imperative.

The Aquarian Age is all about shifting from me to WE consciousness. The adage think globally, act locally is the gold standard. The greatest way to contribute in these times is for you to commit to your deep inner ecological work, hold those whom you love close, and align your sacred currencies of how you spend your time and money with your true hearted values.

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you may read the horoscope for your sun and rising signs to receive a sense of what is in store for you in the year of 2021


March 21-April 19

2021 initiates you to expand your friendship circles, social networks, and alliances. The greater community at large becomes your oyster. This is also a year to deeply consider your long term hopes and dreams for the future. As you make your vision manifest, it will be essential to tend to your finances, resources, and livelihood. Most importantly this is the season to increase your self worth and self love by giving your value system a well deserved tune up.


April 20-May 20

2021 stabilizes your reputation and advancement within your professional field. Any radical changes will ultimately be to place you more in alignment with your life’s work. As you shape your public legacy you have the opportunity to reform your personal identity. At times you may find yourself asking Who am I? Set your North Star to that which feeds breath and vitality and you shall thrive.


May 21-June 20

2021 inspires you to renew your commitments to your beliefs system, the high mind, that which connects to God(dess). How you see the world must be examined from every square inch possible. You may yearn for overseas travel, higher education, or to explore an array of philosophies. Ultimately this is a pilgrim’s quest. As you dive into an ocean of wisdom, you find yourself swimming in the liminal space of your deep unconscious mind. Your devotion to spiritual values and the collective soul will be activated. Your greatest fears and your greatest potentials may both be met. Call upon your allies, and ground daily to keep discernment mobilized.


June 21-July 22

2021 encourages you to explore what it means to share resources. You may find yourself auditing topics such as money, taxes, debts, insurance, inheritance, sex, power, and control. As you make good friends with your needs, desires, and instincts, each day may feel like another opportunity to traverse the eye of the needle, probing the realms of death and rebirth. This research may assert your role in friendship circles and social networks. Ultimately you are learning the potent lesson of how you get your needs met in relationship.


July 23-August 22

2021 magnifies your focus upon relationships, allowing you to get committed in new ways. Each connection in your life shines a mirror upon your own identity, therefore personal growth is amplified this year. As you stretch your capacity to show up for others your reputation has the ability to elevate. Reach deep into your well of integrity so that you may utilize these energies of visibility to benefit the greater whole.


August 23-September 22

2021 encourages you to persevere with your strong work ethic and devotion to service. Your energy is best focused upon aligning with a daily practice that makes you feel nourished, grounded, and strong. Tend to your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health, as your true capacity to give is only possible when you authentically provide for yourself. Your deep seeded beliefs may be shaken to their core this year. Trust your intuition, as your high mind is ultimately in a cocoon of transformation. 


September 23-October 22

2021 is asking you to focus on your passion, pleasure, and creativity through the Beauty Way. You are being asked to activate your inner child, whether that is through tending to your own children, reaching out to the youth in our local community, or birthing new projects that literally light you up. As you follow your wild hearted bliss, you are building your work in the world, meanwhile learning more about discernment and how to be in right relationship with power.


October 23-November 22

2021 wishes for you to anchor into all things home. What roots you to Earth? How do you call upon your ancestral lineage? Now is the time to commune with those who came before. As you commit to this path, the invitation is to dive into the subterranean like a true scorpion with raw instincts aroused. The potential is to redefine your own personal mythos. Ultimately this inner work is deep, so brace yourself for great transformation, particularly on the relationship front. Know that the ones that are meant to go the distance will, therefore allow the toxic connections to gracefully fall away.


November 23-December 22

2021 awakens the channels of your voice like never before. What do you wish to learn? What do you long to express? This year pushes you to align your bow and arrow through the stratus of the mind. Lean in. Be curious. Reach out to your sisters and brothers, network with your neighbors. Self-discipline is essential. As you apply yourself in your immediate environment your service and greater work in the world amplifies exponentially.


December 23-January 21

2021 demands that your ambitions are devoted to the expansion of your personal resources. How you earn and spend your money is an essential skill to develop, however the strategy is to apply these codes to your sacred life force, your holy time and attention. The stars beckon you to develop greater self love practices, and in turn you become crystal clear on your values. Illumination is yours when you anoint your standards with juicy passion and love so that life becomes sacred reciprocity. 


January 22-February 20

2021 welcomes you to the house of rebirth and renewal. A time of benevolent new beginnings is upon you as your Age has finally arrived. Most likely you yearn to radically shift your connection to your identity as you question Who am I? Ultimately you are being shaken to your core, deep down to your bones. Know that you’ve agreed to be a living manifestation of the archetype of this Age of Aquarius. As your outer self transforms, the foundation of your psychological roots stir within the cauldron of all that is most precious and private. Look to Mother Moon’s changing tides throughout the year for illumination and flow. 


February 21-March 19

2021 washes you with the waves of the collective soul, and you will most likely find yourself devoted to higher ideals and spiritual values than ever before. With Saturn traversing your twelfth house, some days may honestly feel dark, dank, and gloomy. The way through is selfless social service. Tend to those who are in need, paying off the ghosts of the past through your creative compassion. You may be challenged in how you communicate, as your psyche is getting a thorough cleansing. Betroth your hermetic soul, stay curious, and expand your intelligence as this year has the potential to activate your super intuitive channel.

to dive deeper into your personal cosmology visit this link to check out ra ma’s current astrology offerings or email direct with your intentions.