Master Frequencies for this Equinox

Do you feel the frequency shifts in the air? 

Just yesterday, Mars finally cleared the retrograde shadow of an extended journey through the sign of the Storytelling Twins of Gemini that began in August 2022. This Thursday Pluto shifts into Aquarius for an expedition that will bring us into 2044. 

This weekend offers you a time to draw within and prepare for the upcoming Equinox Portal as Dragon Day comes to light. 

I encourage you to discover the Master Frequencies of this Equinox which include the celebration of Dragon Day by circling up within episode 83 of Stars, Stones and Stories. In Master Frequencies you will learn precise ways to work with this week's powerful astrology.


For those who live in Appalachia, I am honored to welcome you to gather in sacred space this Sunday evening in honor of the Balsamic Moon that aligns just before the Aries New Moon. We are closing out a powerful Zodiacal Year and calling in a new one which anchors a great Cultural Renaissance. 


This Aries New Moon will be one of two within the year of 2023 and brings in Spring Equinox and the awakening of the Dragon Frequencies.


In consideration of dragons, I speak of Otherworldly beings that are indeed very much connected to Earth as great guardians of the sacred directions, the elementals and the Elements. Each human has at least one dragon that they are coupled with, which is to assist them in their incarnation. So many humans are removed from their superpower abilities that this kind of information may seem nonsensical, crazy, or that which should only exist in the realm of the imagination. 


Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

--Albert Einstein 


Tending the Dragon Lines pilgrimage in Avalon and Wales is a once in a lifetime opportunity to commune with your dragon in the heart chakra of the Earth, to listen to the Ancient Voices of the Stones and to weave with the starlines of the Cosmos in an intentional container that is astrologically aligned. 


I have been leading pilgrimages in Avalon since 2017 and have been traveling in loving prayer to the Heart of the Earth for the past two decades. If you are seeking a sacred container to burn up the dross, tap into your Holy Feminine, align with your passion and activate your psychic abilities this journey is for you. Discover more now.


Each pilgrimage I steward is much like giving birth to a baby. The soul frequency of the pilgrimage reveals itself to me through a prayer. There is a gestation period where I listen deeply to what wishes to be expressed and revealed. As the pilgrims claim their space and walk through the threshold, the energies coalesce. There are countless hours of incubation before each pilgrimage where the artistry unfolds. If I were to attempt to log these hours, each pilgrimage requires at least 90 hours of planning before liftoff has even occurred. 


These pilgrimages are my dharma. I deliver them as a part of the living breathing art that wishes to be channeled through this vessel I currently call home. I am in pure amazement with what comes through. This past January while in Madurai, I asked my friend Anupam about the potential of bringing a group to the Navagraha Temples with him in the future, and he responded 'I am not a guide'. My academic mentor and teacher Dr. Nick Campion replied, 'To be a guide is the highest Calling'.


I continue to marinate and reflect on his words.


As Dragon Day comes into fruition and Pluto shifts into Aquarius may you too find the clarity and courage to deliver your dharma in this lifetime.

Blessed be Sovereign One,


Ra Ma ☥

PS: Do you wish to know what is coming with Pluto's ingress into Aquarius? Consider receiving this Pluto Masterclass and Meditation.