Meet Your Magick

On this Venus Day we are closing out the transformative month of March. In the past 30 days Saturn shifted into the wise and fluid sign of Pisces, the Equinox aligned with the first of two Aries New Moons in this year of Nature, and Pluto began its twenty year journey through Aquarius.


April offers even more metamorphosis. The Libra Full Moon activates the I am presence with a Call to harmonize through I relate. Within this moonth Mercury and Vesta shift into Taurus, meanwhile Venus shifts into Gemini. Mercury will retrograde in a few weeks, offering you an opportunity to deepen into your self-expression. However, the most prominent activation will be the Eclipse Season which opens with the Total Solar Eclipse coinciding with the second Aries New Moon on the 19th/20th of April.


This Spring bestows upon you many opportunities to know thyself. The deep inner work will be the most fulfilling. I offer the phrase 'you are a hologram for the collective' in each of my pods as I believe this is a profound signature to live within these wild times. The overwhelm is real, and yet, there is so much power that you have. Each choice you make shapes our collective future. I invite you to dive into episode 85 of Stars, Stones and Stories Meet Your Magick to discover more about these frequencies.


For the next few weeks I have the great blessing to be traveling throughout the UK on pilgrimage to consciously work the Earth's meridians, known as ley lines, dragon lines, or fairie lines at this phenomenal time on our planet. Upon my return I am offering a couple of workshops to assist you through the opening of the Eclipse Portal, including a global and virtual Total Solar Eclipse Council. Let's gather together in community as a balm for these times.


As I will be away in Egypt for the majority of June, I invite you to book now for your late Equinox and Beltane divination sessions. Eclipses are mighty, and astrology is a beautiful tool to assist you with working consciously with your continued evolution.


I'll meet you in the Sacred.

Blessed be Sovereign One,

Ra Ma ☥