Eclipse Integration

You are a timeweaver, here on Earth living and cocreating amidst great transformation. Collectively, we are in a space of deep integration after riding the Dragons through the Eclipses of April and May. The Moon is now waning and will arrive at her Balsamic phase next Wednesday evening, bringing closure and space for deep reflection and insights.


Simultaneously, you will feel a palpable shift as Mercury in Taurus stations direct on Sunday. You can expect communication to speed up and for the channels of communication to open. Tuesday brings one of the most exciting transits of 2023, as Jupiter transforms from fiery Aries into rock steady and luscious Taurus, where this benevolent wisdom focused frequency will offer a multitude of possibilities for you through late May 2024.


In this week's episode of Stars, Stones and Stories you will receive clear insights and inspiration on how to integrate this Eclipse Season and how you may apply your energy to benefit and deepen your creativity. I invite you to tune into this transmission now at this link.


As I prepare for this year's Summer Solstice activation in Egypt, my books are filling up for 1:1 astrological divination sessions. You are invited to claim your session now to amplify Jupiter in Taurus and this summer's Venus retrograde. On Monday, 22 May, I am offering a global online astrology masterclass that welcomes all levels and abilities. In this masterclass I will share some of my go to secrets on how to quickly interpret a birth chart to see the soul's blueprint. Claim your space here, and yes, a recording will be provided!


May you continue to soak up the fertility of the Land in this year of nature and the archetype of the rabbit. This morning my daughter and I had five bunnies playfully exploring our backyard and we loved enjoying the simple pleasure of remarking about their beauty while we breakfasted. This is the epitome of Taurus frequency.


May you embrace the magick in the air.

In the Beauty Way,

Ra Ma ☥