7 7 7 Sirius Stargate

On this 7 7 7 Sirius Stargate Portal you are called to raise your frequency so that you may be vibrational match to all of your desires.


Do you feel the grand transformation stirring within the depths of your psyche?


I invite you to dive into episode 95 of Stars, Stones and Stories to explore the power of this particular moment as the Sirius Stargate is activated. 


You haven't received a fresh pod or a Venusian Love Note from me in the last five weeks as I took a Midsummer sabbatical to rest, restore and rejuvenate while I was on pilgrimage in Kemet. The journey was beyond sweet and surreal. Each day felt as a blessed dream within a dream, and I find myself deciphering the medicine and wisdom from my 8th sojourn to Egypt where I welcomed my Solar Return and the Summer Solstice.


There is much for us to catch up on, so let's meet within the mystery in honor of the 7 7 7 portal

Midsummer Blessings,


Ra Ma ☥

ps. If you're seeking grounding and clarity during this time of great chaos, I have availability now to council with you 1:1. As Venus prepares for her descent I invite you to invest in anchored sacred space to align with your essence.