Your Guide to Thrive

As I shared in last week’s edition of Venusian Love Notes, this summer is a major time of karmic clearing.  It is very important to honor the season of retrogrades as we are doing the great work of shedding and sealing.  This is not an ideal time to begin new ventures, relationships or make important purchases as at one point in the summer all planets will be retrograde except for Venus.

This is also a powerful time of endings.  Many relationships are finding their completion and many transitions are occurring.  From here on out the speed and intensity will quicken and deepen as the Eclipse Season is now underway.  Eclipses magnify the energies of the retrogrades. Lunar Eclipses tend to bring endings, and are more emotional while Solar Eclipses tend to welcome major new beginnings, like weddings and important births.  This Summer’s Eclipses will offer a combination, however we must remember we are in the midst of great closure. The Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month will be of epic proportions and this is a great day to be in nature and ceremony!

Planets in retrograde urge us to redoing and revising the activities of the houses that these planets rule.  If you know your chart, it is very insightful to take a look at where you are editing and shedding. For example, I am a Libra rising so the houses that are under review for me this summer are the second (ruled by Mars and Pluto as it is Scorpio), third (ruled by Jupiter at it is Sagittarius), fourth (ruled by Saturn as it is Capricorn), fifth (ruled by Saturn and Uranus as it is Aquarius), sixth (ruled by Jupiter and Neptune as it is Pisces), seventh (ruled by Mars as it is Aries), ninth (ruled by Mercury as it is Gemini), and twelfth (ruled by Mercury as it is Virgo). 

One thing to look forward to for next week is that Jupiter stations direct on Tuesday, July 10th!  Just a couple of days before the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Since Jupiter’s retrograde in Scorpio collectively we have seen quite a bit revealed from the Underworld, including the #metoo outpourings.  Although we have only scratched the surface in the revelations of the patriarchal abuses, this direct motion of the planet of wisdom and prosperity will feel expansive. To get the full line up of retrograde dates and how you may best apply these upgrades you may click the image below to download 👑 Your Guide to Thrive 👑.  It's my gift to you!