In Depth Natal Session

In Depth Natal Session


In Depth Natal Astrological Divination

Take a deep dive into your natal chart, the seed of potential of who you are, in conjunction with your unique latitude and longitude at birth. This is Ra Ma's recommended way to begin to fully know your soul’s unique language. Together we will journey through a fascinating analysis of astrology, tantric numerology, and archetypal knowledge. This in depth natal chart analysis will offer a space where you are intuitively guided through a nuanced understanding of your cosmic map, facilitated by a lively, curious conversation centered around your soul’s truth and destiny.

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In Depth Natal Astrological Divination

Take a deep dive into your natal chart, the seed of potential of who you are, in conjunction with your unique latitude and longitude at birth. This is Ra Ma's recommended way to begin to fully know your soul’s unique language. Together we will journey through a fascinating analysis of astrology, tantric numerology, and archetypal knowledge. This in depth natal chart analysis will offer a space where you are intuitively guided through a nuanced understanding of your cosmic map, facilitated by a lively, curious conversation centered around your soul’s truth and destiny.

As each additional chart is cast from the natal chart, it is imperative that an individual truly understand their natal horoscope. In the times of temples, it was a required art for any priestess or priest to know basic astrology. Discover your star family, your divine mind, and how the luminaries, the Sun and Moon, the planets, Chiron and other star beings affect your life on Earth. We will cover who the Asteroid Goddesses are and how they assist your journey. Discover what major transits are occurring in your life and how to work with this energy, allowing great transformation through awareness of your own cosmic map. These sessions are an opportunity to align with clarity and the truest self. They are ideal for people seeking more creative authentic connection in their lives. Learning the soul’s language helps people live their dreams, step forward as leaders and innovators.

What to expect: We will meet in a series of two 75 minute sessions either in person or via zoom live-streaming. Before each 75 minute session, Ra Ma spends at least 60 minutes working with your chart, making notes and preparing for the session. If you come to Ra Ma's healing studio in Asheville, you will enjoy your sessions on a bed of warm amethyst while drinking homemade tea.

What you will receive: This package of two sessions includes a clear written analysis of our study together, which you can refer back to for years to come. You will also receive an mp3 recording of each live session or recorded through zoom if we meet online and a pdf of your natal chart.