90 days of Japji 💥

Happy New Year!  2016 is sure to be a beautiful year, and starts with great force in January.  We are moving from the radiating energy of 2015 to absorbing--from a masculine approach to a more feminine lens of reflection and contemplation. 

We are in a great time of purification--as we observe we must note what is out of alignment and what needs our nurturing.  2016 is all about weeding out the garden, going within and seeing what needs to grow and what needs to go back to the Earth.  

2016 is a nine year, 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9, so we will be calling in the subtle body in totality this year.  The subtle body is all about mastery-- "Mastery or Mystery" is the key phrase for this body. 

I've decided to kick off 2016 with 90 days of Japji.  Japji is a prayer that some Kundalini yogis start their morning sadhana with.  It is believed that you may break through blocks effectively and with great ease through your relationship to Japji.

I've recited it and play it every morning during my sadhana.  However, I've never really took the time to dive thoroughly in, and with the subtle force of 2016 it seems now is the perfect time.  Also, I was inspired because the Spirit Voyage family is hosting a 40 day global sadhana for Japji and my friend from Atlanta asked me if I would be her accountability partner for it.

Then I thought about my lineage and how we are constantly encouraged to think beyond the 40 day box that many Kundalini yogis get stuck in.  Harijiwan is always asking why stop at 40 days?  

It takes 40 days to break a negative habit.  However it takes 90 days to establish a new habit within your mind for deep transformation.  After 120 days the habit will be permanently integrated into you.  And after 1000 days of committed daily practice you will master the kriya and truly achieve the benefits.

If you feel inspired, I'd love for you to join in!  It's not too late. . .you may email me for support.