Dharmic Spiritual Courage

Venus Day blessings from the Motherland. We have crossed through the Gate of Emergence as we have fully entered the season of Imbolc. The creative fires are stoked within each one of us, and NOW is the time to create, dear creator. That which burns deep within your solar center wishes to be tended to with loving devotion, and birthed into this world. For greater inspiration, I invite you to listen to a recent talk I gave about this time of year, and why your art is so needed now::: https://youtu.be/Jf6dXtQ9yRM

Given the way everything feels so raw and tender these days, I am guided to dive deeper and deeper into my heart when I write these love letters to you. Our time here on Earth is incredibly sacred. We are walking vessels of living prayer. May you know this truth. May you find your way to live in these times as a living prayer.

Astrologically, Venus is just moving into Aries and we need her warrior ways now more than ever. Sunday's Leo Full Moon is a powerful time to stoke the creative fires, however when I look to this chart I see an even more powerful opportunity.  Black Moon Lilith, Venus, and Chiron all meet up in Aries in a tight conjunction, signifying the potential to go deep within our psyches to claim healing for both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Of course the goddess Eris will be reminding us throughout all of 2020 how essential it is to call out the spaces and places where integrity are missing as she makes powerful squares emerging the necessary growth spots with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.

I write to you from Egypt, on the cusp of the Architecting your Queendom pilgrimage, gazing at the gorgeous pyramids shown in the photo I captured this afternoon. The inspiration from this pilgrimage was divinely guided when I last walked the land of Kemet this past Fall. It is surreal to be back now, and to reflect on all of the shifts and changes, both personally and collectively. On pilgrimage we will pray in between the paws of the Great Sphinx as the moon waxes to 20° Leo. Collective spiritual courage is being asked of humanity, and each one of us has the opportunity to claim our dharmic destiny in our lives. The goddess Sekhmet has been stewarding a space for each one of us to be in our truth. I love to imagine her creating a pure ring of fire around my body system, so that which is only of the highest may enter my sphere. Sekhmet teaches how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries. She also imparts how necessary it is for the feminine to get fierce. We need that healthy expression of protection. 

These times feel massive, potent, and pressurized. Keep up my Sisters, Brothers, friends, and family. I know you’ve got this. Find a way to breath and expand the pressurized spaces, saying yes to your diamond process.