Honoring the Dark

We are at a pivotal time on Earth. A time where we must welcome back the higher forces that have been systematically repressed and oppressed, namely the Dark Goddess.

I write to you from pilgrimage within the portals upon portals of the land of Kemet.  This sacred land and it’s people have held on to the dichotomy of the light and the shadow to this day. 

In celebration of this journey of life, and our conscious evolution, I offer you these beautiful words on the dark mother. 

‘The Dark Goddess embodies the energy of Chaos and Creativity, Death and Rebirth, Creation and Destruction. She has been called random and ruthless, and at the same time represents the love and divine connected that is at the core of every living spark in the physical world. She forces us to embrace both the joy and the horror, the terrible beauty of life. Her power lies deep within this contradiction, the energy of an atom waiting to be split. There is no change, especially no change in conscious awareness, without her participation. . .’

from The Dark Goddess, by Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson